Kristina Slattery
Kristina Slattery
Business Development

Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

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Bluegrass State Skills Corporation

The importance of a skilled workforce has never been greater. As companies think globally, it is vital that Kentucky's workforce be prepared to meet the hiring demands of employers. The Cabinet for Economic Development plays a significant role in keeping Kentucky's businesses competitive in the global economy by providing financial assistance to train their workforce. Through the Cabinet’s Grant-in-Aid and Skills Training Investment Credit, the Kentucky Skills Network provides incentives to support Kentucky business’ efforts to help new and existing employees stay competitive through flexible, employer-driven skills-upgrade training.

The competitive Grant-in-Aid (GIA) provides cash reimbursements for occupational and skills upgrade training at Kentucky businesses. The Skills Training Investment Credit (STIC) offers state income tax credits for companies to offset the costs for approved training programs.

Businesses involved in manufacturing, agribusiness, nonretail service or technology, headquarters operations, hospital operations, coal severing and processing, alternative fuel, gasification, renewable energy production or carbon dioxide transmission pipelines may be eligible for BSSC incentives.  Training consortia may also qualify for the GIA program.

Applications for both programs are accepted and considered for approval by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation Board of Directors at scheduled meetings throughout the year.

Grant-in-Aid (GIA) and Skills Training Investment Credit (STIC) Documents

BSSC Documents

BSSC Board Book

To view the BSSC annual reports, click below.

BSSC Annual Reports

To view a list of training consortia/partnerships, click below.

Kentucky Training Consortia/Partnerships
Registered Apprenticeships

It’s recommended that BSSC grant recipients consider becoming a part of Kentucky’s registered apprenticeship program. Details are available here:

Registered Apprenticeships

Program Contacts

Kristina Slattery
Business Development
(502) 564-7670

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