Kristina Slattery
Kristina Slattery
Business Development

Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

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Matthew G. Bevin
Old Capitol Annex
300 West Broadway
Frankfort, KY 40601
Erik Dunnigan
Acting Secretary
October 3, 2016
For Immediate Release
Amanda Stamper

Nicole Burton

Red Tape Reduction Initiative Reports First Regulation Cuts

Gov. Matt Bevin starting "Cut the Tape" Mondays to focus on progress

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Oct. 3, 2016) - Gov. Matt Bevin today announced the first of what he expects to be many administrative regulations to be cut or changed since his Red Tape Reduction Initiative was announced. 

To date, 543 of the state’s 4700-plus administrative regulations have been reviewed. Thirty administrative regulations have been repealed and another 129 have been targeted for repeal. In addition, 52 regulations have been amended, and another 271 have been targeted for changes. Cabinets affected in this first round include Finance and Administration, Education and Workforce Development, Public Protection and Regulation, Transportation, Labor and Health and Family Services. In addition, 540 suggestions for review have been submitted through the website. 

Among the regulations eliminated were those now obsolete due to laws that changed, were repealed or duplicative with other regulations already on the books. Other regulations eliminated include one describing guidelines for a program no longer in existence and another outlining a process for carrying out a law even though that law has been since judged unconstitutional. 

“These regulations now off the books were outdated, unnecessary or redundant,” Gov. Bevin said. “I am grateful that the Red Tape Reduction process is underway and, while we have more than 4,500 regulations to review, we are making significant progress.

“We are taking the necessary precautions to ensure public health and safety remain a top priority as we continue to reduce the unnecessary regulations hurting job growth,” added Gov. Bevin. “Kentucky’s regulatory growth over the past 40 years has been staggering. With this first set of cuts, we are already beginning to put the brakes on job-killing red tape. I am confident that the end result of this effort will improve Kentucky's reputation as a great place to do business. We will become the undisputed hub of manufacturing excellence in America and it will result from decisions such as our efforts to cut red tape.”

Gov. Bevin also announced the start of “Cut the Tape Mondays,” during which weekly progress will be reported, further effects of red tape will be explained and people who point out instances of unnecessary red tape will be featured. 

Eliminating or changing a regulation is a lengthy process. Every cabinet is responsible for reviewing each of its administrative regulations. When it finds one that it deems should be repealed or changed, it files a request to repeal or change the regulation with the Legislative Research Commission. That request is published, and the public is provided an opportunity to comment. Over a period of three months, up to two different committees review the request and public comment to determine whether the regulation in question should, in fact, be repealed or amended. The committees can accept, reject or recommend changes to the request. 

The list of administrative regulations repealed to date is available at

Gov. Bevin continues to ask businesses and employees throughout the state to assist in this effort by identifying burdensome regulations, offering suggestions for improvement and making submissions at

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